0477 960 125
Did you know that there is a new update on SA Health?
The potential for re-infection window is reduced from 12 weeks to 28 days.
If exposed to COVID-19 after 28 days of finishing isolation, get a PCR test if you develop symptoms and follow the close contact guidelines if you are exposed to COVID-19 after 28 days of finishing isolation
Are you aware close contacts must not attend Tier 2 (Allied Health) settings for 7 days.
Click here to understand the current definition of a close contact: https://www.sahealth.sa.gov.au/wps/wcm/connect/public+content/sa+health+internet/conditions/infectious+diseases/covid-19/cases+and+contacts/close+contact+advice/close+contact+advice
Please DO NOT attend the clinic if:
- You have been diagnosed with COVID-19, and have not yet met the criteria for discharge from isolation.
- You are currently experiencing any signs or symptoms of a cold or flu (including having a temperature higher than 37.5 degrees C or symptoms of acute respiratory infection)
-Have any reason to suspect you may have been exposed to Coronavirus (COVID-19) by known contact with a person who is a confirmed COVID 19 case
- Arrived in Australia from any country in the past 14 days
If you are experiencing:
sore throat
shortness of breath
loss of smell or taste
or any symptoms associated with the Coronavirus, or you believe you may have been exposed, we request you reschedule your appointment until you have recovered and been cleared by a GP.
Extra sanitisation is in place in between each and every patient attending and the 2 person rule applies in our building and waiting area. Further information can be found in your reminder email prior to attending your appointment. Thank you and stay safe!